RPP3: Daily Dev Blog Post 12

Welcome to day 12!

We've hit another weekend and it's our last opportunity to put some solid work into our game! Everyone is balancing what we need to do for this game with the rest of our school workload as well as our daily responsibilities outside of school, such as friends and family, jobs, and laundry. Ugh, laundry. 

As you can imagine, it's extremely important to meet your deadlines when it comes to work or school assignments. However, it's equally, if not more important, to take care of yourself! You can't make great games without a certain amount of sleep and food breaks during the development process. People who have to work during their FIEA experience (such as myself) have an extra balancing act, as you're taken away from being able to complete schoolwork for 6 to 8 hours a day. It's a difficult balance and it works best when teammates communicate with each other and ask for help when they need it!

Have you ever had trouble with your work/school/life balance? Feel free to talk about it in the comments below!

See you tomorrow for another daily dev update! There's only two more days until we present our final game on Monday!

Today's bonus content is a time management site called Rescue Time. There's a free version that you can get on your devices that will track how you spend your computer time. You can't manage your time until you know where you're currently spending it! There are many different apps and sites out there, so do some research and find the one that works best for you! 


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